• Course Introduction

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    ENG-111 Spring 2024

    Fast Track II

    March 05-May 06

    Instructor: Emily Merritt

    Contact: merr2520@tricountycc.edu

    Welcome to English 111! It is going to be a great class and I look forward to working with each of you. Please know that you can contact me anytime by messaging me on Moodle or emailing me. I am here to help you. All assignments are opened on the first day of the course, so you can choose to work ahead, which I highly I encourage you to do. Please make sure to submit assignments on time as late work is lowest on my list of priorities. However, if you have a circumstance arise in which you need an extension or you have missed a deadline, please email me and let me know and I will be glad to work with you. I highly suggest you carefully read the syllabus and pay particular attention to the late work policy. Work ahead whenever possible: working ahead will save you time, stress, and headaches prior to due dates. Time management is your friend: use a planner, Google Calendar, your phone calendar and reminders, etc. to put down due dates ahead of time so you don't find yourself in a pickle at the last minute. Again, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns. I want everyone to be successful in this course. 

    Tips for success in this course:

    1. This is an English course: expect to read, and be sure to complete all assigned readings.

    2. This is an English course: expect to write, and be sure to complete and submit all writing assignments.

    3. Proofread your work carefully before submitting assignments.

    4. Complete all forums. Be sure to provide details and evidence to support your opinions and claims. Remember that forums must be a minimum of 300 words or you will not earn full credit for the posting. Forums do not appear on the Moodle "to do" list or calendar, so you must click into each module and go through it in the order in which tasks are listed.

    5. I know this course contains quite a bit of work, but every piece is designed to set you up for success in future courses, whether at TCCC or another academic establishment. Have a positive attitude and communicate with me about your questions and/or concerns. I am here to help you. 

    6. Expect to be challenged and to work hard, but do not be overwhelmed: I am here to help and support you and I greatly want to see you succeed in this course. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, even if you think they are insignificant. All the assignments are designed to reflect the materials and to build on one another throughout the course, and all are designed with the intention of helping you learn and be prepared for entry to a four-year university, 2-year program, or the workforce. 

    6. Expect to do well.

  • Topic 1: Getting to Know Each Other

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    To Do: March 05-08

    **Please note that when contacting an instructor, whether in person, via email, Moodle message, etc. he/she should be addressed by the appropriate prefix (Mrs. for this particular class) followed by his/her surname. The same goes when you are following MLA format while writing papers. This is not a hard and fast rule for everyone (some instructors allow students to address him/her by first name, for example), but it is considered to be more professional and courteous to address by surname. 

    1. Read the course syllabus for English 111 completely and carefully.

    2. Do this assignment first!! Complete this immediately after reading the syllabus. Take the syllabus quiz. (due March 08).

    3. Complete Introductory Forum (due March 08)

    4. Do the New York Times Argumentative Forum 1 (due March 08).

    5. Watch the two brief videos about recognizing and correcting comma splices, run-on sentences, and fragments - see resource link below.

    6. Write and submit the "If You Really Knew Me" essay (due March 10).

    7. This is quite a bit to do the first few days, but it will keep you on track to finish up on time.

  • Topic 2: Expository Writing

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    To Do: March 11-15

    1. Read the Quiz One notes carefully and completely.

    2. Complete and submit Quiz One (due March 13).

    3. Write and submit Essay Two - Expository Essay & Essay Outline (March 15)

    4. Watch the two informative videos about how to write effective thesis statements - see resource links below. These videos will greatly help you with your essays not only in this course, but also for any essay you write. A thesis statement should be the strongest point in a paper: it lets your readers know what you are writing about, and it serves as a road map for you to structure your paper. Take your time and work hard on the thesis: I will be looking at them closely and grade them strictly.

    5. Look at the sample outline, sample paper, and blank outline I have provided in the resources section: many times breaking a paper down into individual parts helps you to understand how those parts work together as a whole and make your paper flow and have cohesion. You are not required to outline, but I do recommend it. If you take your time and work hard on an outline it makes writing the paper quicker and easier because you already have your ideas and flow of thoughts down. An outline is the skeleton, the foundation that sets up a paper for success, and the paper itself is the meat on the bones, the house on the foundation.

    6. Make sure to read ALL provided resources/materials and incorporate them into your writings: the provided materials will greatly help you with structuring essays and making sure you have all required elements in your writings. Do I expect perfection? No. Do I expect your best effort and to be able to tell that you have read all the materials and are trying to incorporate them in your writing? Absolutely. As always, I am here to help, and I will be more than glad to answer any questions you all may have.

  • Topic 3: Reaction/Response

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    To Do: March 18-22

    Please pay close attention to the due date and cut-off dates for each assignment!! 

    Also, please be aware that you need to go through the to-do list each week and make note of all assignments due; forums will not show up as a due date on the calendar or upcoming assignments, so make sure to write down the dates for those and get them done prior to the deadline. 

    Ensure that you have read ALL materials that have been posted, especially in Topic 2. The most important resource to read is the document titled "Writing Tips and Tricks" in Topic 2. I can definitely tell who has read the materials and who has not because of how each paper is formatted. The first formal essay is not graded as harshly as everything from this point on because you all are getting used to the class, writing, and my grading, but from this point on, I expect to be able to tell that all materials have been read, and points will be deducted for incorrect formatting, usage, etc. Please, please, please make sure to contact me BEFORE a deadline if you have any questions or experience technical issues. Again, I am here to help you be successful. 

    This particular assignment, the reaction/response essay, is my favorite in this course simply because of the materials you are assigned to read: they are challenging, thought-provoking, and will make you think deeply and critically. Don't be afraid to challenge the "norm" in your thought process, and have fun with this assignment :)

    1. Write and submit New York Times Argumentative Forum 2. Remember to respond to other forums as a way to earn extra credit points (due March 20).

    2. Read/listen to ALL the following text selections: "The Sanctuary of School" by Lynda Barry, "Waiting on the World to Change" by John Mayer, "Dumbing Down Dad: How the Media Presents Husbands, Fathers as Useless" by Sarah Peterson, and Literacy Education Online's "Writing a Reaction or Response Essay."

    3. Write and submit Reaction or Response Essay 3 on one of the pieces of assigned reading. Before you write your Reaction or Response Essay please read carefully the Literacy Education Online "Writing a Reaction or Response Essay." This will serve as a guide for writing your essay (due March 22).

  • Topic 4: Concept Analysis

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    To Do: March 25-29

    **March 29: Good Friday Holiday**

    1. Read Quiz Two Notes carefully and completely.

    2. Look over the assigned text selections from Topic 3.

    3. Complete and submit Quiz Two (due March 27).

    4. Write and submit the Concept Analysis Essay (due March 29).

    5. Be sure you have submitted all forums, essays, and quizzes up to this point. If not, this is your opportunity to catch up.

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  • Topic 5: Preparing Research

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    To Do: April 08-12 

    **Spring Break: April 01-05**

    1. Complete Argumentative Forum 3 (due April 10).

    2. Read the provided notes for Quiz 3 and Quiz 4.

    3. Choose a topic for the Researched Essay. Begin finding sources for the Researched Essay. You do not have to submit this essay until next week.

    4. Important: Please look carefully at the two student examples of Researched Essays that I have provided for you. Both students chose controversial topics, but each did a good job presenting both sides of the issue while taking a neutral approach. Please pay particular attention to how each student incorporated direct quotations, paraphrased material, and in-text/parenthetical citations. Also, please look carefully at their Works Cited page. 

    5. Submit your Researched Essay abstract. This should be a paragraph (150 words minimum, 200 words maximum) explaining the topic you want to research and explain and why you chose this particular topic. This is an easy way to boost your grade. I will count this submission of your topic as a 100 for a quiz grade (due April 10).

    6. Submit your Research Paper Outline. The outline will be uploaded in Topic 6 in the assignment labeled as the research paper outline (due April 12).

  • Topic 6: The Research Essay

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    To Do: April 15-19

    1. Submit Quiz 3 (due April 17).

    2. Research Paper Rough Draft: submit a copy of your research paper to go over and receive feedback. (due April 17)

    3. Write and submit the Researched Essay. Be sure to proofread your final draft carefully. Be sure that you have included in-text/parenthetical citations. Be sure you submit a Works Cited page properly citing your two sources. Be sure to read the MLA cheat sheet and follow the directions carefully. Also, be sure to look carefully at the student examples that I have provided for you under Course Resources. Use the Research Paper and Essay Checklist as a guide for proofreading and editing your researched essay. (However, remember some things on the checklist may not apply - such as number of sources and/or number of citations. This checklist was created for a lengthier research paper.) (due April 19)

    3. Watch the informative video that explains the rhetorical devices logos, ethos, and pathos - see the resource link below.

  • Topic 7: Persuasive Writing

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    To Do: April 22-26

    1. Submit Quiz 4 (due April 23).

    2. Complete Argumentative Forum 4 (due April 24).

    3. Write and submit the Persuasive Essay. Remember that you may use the same controversial topic and sources that you used for your Researched Essay. The difference between the two essay is that now you are trying to convince the reader of your stand or point of view on this particular topic. Remember that you must parenthetically cite your sources within the text of your essay and you must submit a Works Cited page properly citing your sources using MLA format (due April 26).

    4. Be sure to go back and check to be sure that you have submitted all assignments. Go back and comment on Forums as a way to earn extra points. Communicate with me if you have questions or concerns. I am here to help you. :)

  • Topic 8: Course Wrap-Up

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    To Do: April 29-May 06

    1. Course Wrap-up! Congrats, you’ve made it! :) Be sure you have submitted your Persuasive Essay, if you did not do so last week.

    2. Be sure you have taken and submitted Quiz 4.

    3. Be sure you have completed Forum 4.

    4. Please complete your course evaluation.

    Thank you all for a wonderful semester!

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